Texts To Bloom Inspiration

Texts To Bloom Inspiration

I’m often told people don’t read blogs, magazines and newspapers anymore, and while I agree that the video format is easier and more convenient for a number of reasons, I could never give up on my favourite blogs and magazine subscriptions. 

As most of us are stuck inside our houses I thought this would be a great time to share a few texts I read and enjoyed recently and that I found inspired me in one way or another.

An American In Paris – guest written by Sarah Rafferty for Vogue Greece 

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Sarah’s, and of course I got incredibly excited to hear she was guest writing an article for Vogue Greece about her experience at Paris Fashion Week. It isn’t very long, but the text easily transports you to the gorgeous fashion capital and walks you through Sarah’s experience. 

The BoF Fashion History Series

I actually got this as a recommendation from a fashion course and been reading one of the articles every morning for the past few days.

I think it’s important to know a little bit about fashion history, even if you may not want to pursue that as a career (this Devil Wears Prada scene always comes to mind when I try to explain why having some basic knowledge in fashion is important) and the Articles included in this series are short and easy to read, which I’m sure many of you would enjoy.


Yes, you’ve probably heard this before. 

But how often do any of us really take a step back to read verses? I find poetry of all kinds so inspiring, I had to include it. 

What do you do when you’re out of inspiration? Let me know in the comments or via Instagram.

Until next time…




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